Honoring Jane Larson

**Update: Click here for Wisconsin Journal of Law, Gender, and Society’s special issue in memory of Jane Larson**

As January comes to an end, we pause to share with you some of the tributes we’ve received this month honoring our colleague Jane Larson. We’ve also heard from others who did not send in formal tributes, and there have been a number of commentaries posted elsewhere, to which we provide links below.  On the NLR webpage, we’ve posted a summary of the work that Jane did with other colleagues addressing issues of law, land, and poverty.  We know that the spirit that animated this kind of work can be found in many corners of our profession,  across many parts of our country and of the world — although that work too often goes unremarked and unheralded.  It is our hope that the NLR Project can help in encouraging more conversation at the boundaries of disciplines and communities, in the quiet and ordinary places where law needs translation so that it can serve everyone.  Those are the places where our colleague Jane Larson urged us to go — and as these tributes clearly indicate, her influence will live on.

University of Wisconsin Law School announcement

University of Minnesota Law School announcement

Al Brophy @ the Faculty Lounge

Howard Wasserman @ Prawfsblawg

Guadalupe Luna @ Nuestras Voces Latinas

Diane Marie Amann @ intlawgrrls

Dan Rodriguez @ Northwestern Law Dean’s Blog

Kevin Johnson @ ImmigrationProfBlog

Feminist Law Profs commentary

Brian Leiter @ Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports

Obituary @ Madison.com