Session 1: Methods Showcase: Methodological Challenges When Qualitative Meets Quantitative (Didactic Panel)
Doris Marie Provine (Arizona State University)
Shari Seidman Diamond (Northwestern University/American Bar Foundation)
John Hagan (Northwestern University)
Beth Murphy (American Bar Foundation)
Laura Beth Nielsen (American Bar Foundation/Northwestern University)
Many empirical researchers believe that our best understandings of sociolegal phenomena emerge from combining qualitative and quantitative methods — whether within one study, or through triangulating the results of multiple studies. This panel focuses on the issues involved in translating between qualitative and quantitative kinds of research. Presenters discuss issues that emerge in using software packages like Atlas — whether in moving between quantitative and qualitative assessments of jurors’ conversations, or in conducting qualitative and quantitative research on discrimination. The panel begins with a didactic presentation aimed at those who are unfamiliar with these kinds of methodologies, and then proceeds to a discussion aimed as well at researchers who are experienced with this sort of work. The panel concludes with a discussion of dilemmas involved in conducting quantitative research on qualitatively sensitive issues at global and local levels.