NEW LEGAL REALISM CONFERENCE: Join us on Oct. 18-19, 2024 at a landmark 20th-anniversary New Legal Realism Conference cosponsored by the American Bar Foundation and the Harvard Law School’s Center on the Legal Profession to explore inclusion, “bleached out” identity, and ethics in legal education. RSVP for virtual participation or attend in person!

NEW BLOG POSTS!  Catch Professors Clune and Bucci in a fascinating North-South exchange on the relationship between law and public policy–MarchApril 2022 and August & September 2022

NEW PODCAST EPISODE:  Amy Cohen discusses her current research and its connection to NLR.

The New Legal Realism Project (NLR) supports interdisciplinary scholarship on law in action, building from the law-and-society tradition.  Join us to build connections with other scholars, whether new or more established, who share this interest.

The Law & Society Association’s Collaborative Research Network 28 can help you present your papers at the annual LSA meeting.

Keep up with the latest in NLR on our News page (click here for news on conferences and postdoc opportunities).

New Legal Realism scholars in ten year anniversary at UC Irvine Symposium, 2014 Studying Law From the Ground Level Up To The Top
From Law In Books To Law In Action