Empirical Training Workshops for Law Professors at AALS (January 4-5, 2013 in New Orleans, LA)

The Research Committee of the AALS is offering a pilot program this year that acquaints law professors with empirical approaches to studying law. The QUALITATIVE program will be taught by Michael McCann (current President of the Law & Society Association), Elizabeth Mertz, Kim Scheppele, and Hadi Deeb. The first part of this program will introduce fundamentals of qualitative empirical approaches to law, along with some discussion of combining qualitative and quantitative research. The second part of this program will introduce empirical approaches to studying language from anthropological linguistics, sociolinguistics, and allied disciplines. In the final part of the Qualitative Program, workshop participants will be invited to present questions from their own research for group discussion. There will also be a QUANTITATIVE program, taught separately by Ted Eisenberg. It will cover fundamentals of statistics and will also, time permitting, include a session during which participants can raise questions from their own research. Participants in the quantitative workshop must have STATA and must be willing to do homework.